DSJ Portfolio

Danielle Sipin Jalotjot Portfolio

click around to learn about me and my art, and thank you for stopping by!

3D Printing

The first slideshow displays the 3d prints of my lechon model, which you can read more about in the Minecraft Sculpture tab. Included is the extracted model in Ultimaker Cura, as well as images of the two prints. Both the smaller, rough draft print and the larger, final print had issues with the tail, however with the final print, a little glue prevented it from breaking off.

A few semesters ago at Napa Valley College, I took a 3D Printing class and used Autodesk Fusion360 to create a glasses case, a windspinner, and a jewelry stand, shown in the second slideshow. Each print was meant to be more complex than the last: the first being a simple, static object (the jewelry stand), the next having at least one moving part (the rotating wind spinner), and the last having more than one moving part (the glasses case with a tension clasp and pin hinge).