DSJ Portfolio

Danielle Sipin Jalotjot Portfolio

click around to learn about me and my art, and thank you for stopping by!

DDGT - Digital Design Graphics Technology

The DDGT (Digital Design Graphics Technology) Program at Napa Valley College has taught me so much about 2D and 3D design and modeling. In this two-year course, I took six classes where I learned and grew proficient in a variety of Autodesk and Adobe software: AutoCAD, Inventor, Revit, 3D Studio Max, Fusion 360, Photoshop, and Premiere. To learn more, click on the program website: DDGT.net

You can view the certificates of completion I earned throughout the DDGT Program, as well as some 3d models I created using Fusion 360 (Click the 3D Printing tab to view the final prints!)

Below is also a video I created using 3D Studio Max and Inventor, where I modeled, rigged, animated, and did all post-production of a robotic arm model completing the Tower of Hanoi puzzle. Enjoy!