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Using p5.js, I created a simple game centering around Filipino culture, specifically what it's like to speak with your relatives. The following three questions you see in the game are very common and quite judgemental, usually coming from your tita (aunt). Click and move your cursor to get started!
Here is the code for the game:
var img; var bg; var ballx = 300; var bally = 300; var ballSize = 40; var score = 0; var gameState = "L0"; function preload() { bg = loadImage(''); img_shh = loadImage(''); img_lvl1 = loadImage(''); img_lvl2 = loadImage(''); img_lvl3 = loadImage(''); img_gametitle = loadImage(''); img_gamending = loadImage(''); } function setup() { background(bg); createCanvas(600, 600); textAlign(CENTER); textSize(20); } // end setup function draw() { background(bg); if (gameState == "L0") { levelZero(); } if (gameState == "L1") { levelOne(); } if (gameState == "L2") { levelTwo(); } if (gameState == "L3") { levelThree(); } if (gameState == "L4") { YOU_WIN(); } // score text fill(0, 72, 255); textSize(25); textStyle(ITALIC); text("Score: " + score, width / 2, 40); if (mouseX < 50 && mouseY < 50) { cursor('grab'); } } // end draw function levelZero() { background(img_gametitle); } function mouseClicked(){ background(img_gametitle); } function mouseReleased(){ gameState = "L1"; } function levelOne() { cursor('grab'); fill(255, 255, 255); textSize(35); textStyle(BOLDITALIC); text("Level 1", width / 2, height - 10); var distToBall = dist(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY); if (distToBall < ballSize / 2) { ballx = random(width); bally = random(height); score = score + 1; } if (score > 9) { // call level 2 // fill(random(255)); gameState = "L2"; } image(img_lvl1, ballx-175, bally-175, 350, 350); } // end level one function levelTwo() { cursor('grab'); background(bg); fill(255, 255, 255); textSize(35); textStyle(BOLDITALIC); text("Level 2", width / 2, height - 10); var distToBall = dist(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY); if (distToBall < ballSize / 2) { ballx = random(width); bally = random(height); score = score + 1; } if (score > 19) { // level 3 gameState = "L3"; } image(img_lvl2, ballx-175, bally-175, 350, 350); } // end level two function levelThree() { cursor('grab'); background(bg); fill(255, 255, 255); textSize(35); textStyle(BOLDITALIC); text("Level 3", width / 2, height - 10); var distToBall = dist(ballx, bally, mouseX, mouseY); if (distToBall < ballSize / 2) { ballx = random(width); bally = random(height); ballSize = ballSize - 1; score = score + 1; } if (score>= 30) { // level 3 gameState = "L4"; } image(img_lvl3, ballx-175, bally-175, 350, 350); } function YOU_WIN(){ background (img_gamending); } // end level three